
MOZART Demand Fulfilment

MOZART Demand Fulfilment brings production activities back in line with the original sales forecast, sales order, or demand plan.

It allows you to involve adjusting production plans and schedules to align with the anticipated demand, often when there has been a deviation or variation from the original forecast. Utilize simulation data to evaluate different fulfillment strategies, ensure reliable adaptation to changes in demand, and maintain operational efficiency.


This allows for better resource utilization, minimizes inventory holding costs, and improves customer satisfaction by ensuring timely delivery of products.

  • Assessing the Variation

    Assessing the Variation

    Identifies and evaluates the variance or deviation between the actual demand or sales order and the original forecast. By doing so, it helps determine the extent to which production plans need to be adjusted.

  • Demand Fulfilment

    Analyzing the Root Cause

    Once the variation is identified, analyze the root cause of the deviation. It involves investigating factors such as changes in market conditions, customer behavior, supply chain disruptions, or internal operational issues that led to the deviation from the forecast.

  • Integration and Collaboration

    Adjusting Production Plans

    Based on the analysis of the variance and its root cause, makes adjustments to the production plans. It revises production quantities, reallocates resources, reschedules manufacturing activities, or makes changes to inventory levels to align with the revised forecast.

  • Demand Management

    Monitoring and Performance Measurement

    Includes functions that track KPIs such as production output, customer satisfaction, on-time delivery, and inventory levels to ensure that the adjusted plans are meeting the desired objectives.


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